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BK21 공지사항

제목 - 설명
  • [BK21]지능형반도체학과 세미나 개최 안내(Computationally constrained control for AI semiconductor)

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2024학년도-1학기 지능형반도체학과(BK21사업단)에서 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최할 예정이오니 대학원생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


1. 세미나 내용

가. 제목 : Computationally constrained control for AI semiconductor


나. 해외연사 : Xaq Pitkow (소속 : Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon, Department of Machine Learning)


다. 소개

Xaq Pitkow is a computational neuroscientist who develops mathematical theories of the brain and general principles of intelligent systems. He focuses on how distributed nonlinear neural computation uses statistical reasoning to guide action in naturalistic tasks. Although he is a theorist, he did at one point perform neuroscience experiments, and still collaborates closely with experimentalists to help design experiments, analyze data, and ground his theories. He was trained in physics as an undergrad at Princeton and went on to study biophysics for his Ph.D. at Harvard. He then took postdoctoral positions in the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia and in the department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester. In 2013 he moved to Houston to become a faculty member at the Baylor College of Medicine in the Department of Neuroscience, with a joint appointment at Rice University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. After a decade there he moved to Carnegie Mellon University, appointed in the Neuroscience Institute and with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Machine Learning. He is currently the Associate Director of the NSF AI Institute for Artificial and Natural Intelligence. On the side, he has been a professional graphic artist since age 12, and enjoys sculpting and digital art, which he sometimes integrates into his scientific work. He also enjoys improvisation on piano, tabla, and two dozen other musical instruments.


2. 일시 및 장소

일시 제목 장소

6월 18일 13:00

Computationally constrained control for AI semiconductor Part 1




형남공학관 1201호


6월 19일 16:00

Computationally constrained control for AI semiconductor Part 2


3. 참여대상 : 지능형반도체학과 대학원생


4. 주관 : 지능형반도체학과

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